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Worship Ministry

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Mission statement: To aid in the upbringing of Holy Ghost filled Worshippers.

Vision statement: To live in the Glory of God as the supernatural becomes natural to us.


The Worship Ministry Department is one of the several departments that is very critical to the church body. The severity of worship should not be taken lightly and therefore the persons involved are given special attention. Worship is beautiful but when it is intimate, when it is done in spirit and in truth, the atmosphere that is created is even more beautiful and scented with that sweet aroma of God’s divine presence.

In order for the Lord to inhabit our worship, it must be pure, it must be intimate and it must be done in spirit and in truth. [ John 4:24 God is a spirit and they that worship God must worship him in spirit and in truth. John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit.] Worshipping God in spirit and in truth is what forms the atmosphere of intimacy between God and man.

The Worship Ministry Department creates the need for a deeper level of spirituality, submission, and commitment to God, which will improve the lives of our worshippers spiritually and physically.
Every worshipper must understand that true worship has a lot to do with oneself, which includes the following (lifestyle, attitude, fasting, reaction, prayer life, giving, caring, respect, humility, vision, etc.) Once acted upon earnestly and passionately, it will manifest effectiveness and productivity in everything they do according to the will of God.