Mission: To bring our young people up front in the realization of the importance of the truth of God as we build them up on the word of God in preparation for the spreading of the gospel to the lost.

Vision: To create a workmanship body that connects our young people to the world, purposely to bring about change as they influence the world through the word of God.

The Youths Ministry Department aids in helping youths 13 to 20’s years of age in becoming aware of who they are in Christ as individuals and their importance in the church, home, school, and the rest of society. In the house of God, the youths and young adults play a critical role in the active flow of the church in terms of the worship board, outreach programs, and other critical areas.

In getting them to be effective and fluent in these areas, The Youths and young adult ministry department work on building their confidence, providing comfort, and unfolding the knowledge of the Word of God and the importance of it in their lives and the lives of others. Also making sure that they have a sense of stability and security in doing the work of God where ever they go.

Many youths struggle with finding their identity and the need for attention. They long for persons that will listen to them and not cast judgments. They long for respect, they long for motivation, they long for a family, they long for love, and they long for God more than they even know. If these things be provided for them, we will be able to see the color of the rainbow in their eyes; as the promises of God takes a strong turn of manifesting in their lives.